retrospective, adjective
looking back on or dealing with past events or situations
dragon, noun
a mythical monster resembling a giant reptile, sometimes shown as having wings
Poetry captures life and moments like no other medium, from the vastness of existence to a dance of atoms, all of this around us is poetry.
We are a part of this composition and I hope that even one line of mine may inspire another to write a poem too.
i have said for years, "i wish i was a poem"
the only thing in life i've ever really known
is that a pile of words on a page
is all of me i'd ever want saved
who i am
but why?
i write poems because i want to explore my place in the world around me. the moments we do have are tempered by the ocean of life before and, especially, after us. this is our moment and here poetry will save the flavour of our place in time.